Sunday, November 30, 2008

Shrinkage Is A BATCH!

It's a salty feeling to finally reach the hair length you've worked so hard to attain, only to have it shrink into a stingy 2-inch teeny weeny afro at even the mere thought of water. Shrinkage and natural hair go hand-in-hand. Sorry Toots, but there is just no getting around it! I was recently taking my Month 14 progress pics when I realized that even though I had achieved growth, my hair looked shorter than my last pics! Shrinkage is a friggen batch, man! I'm going to have to change the way I update my growth progress pics. Because now the longer it gets, the shorter it gets (if that makes any sense). In the above pic, you can see exactly what I'm talking about. I must say that I'm really happy with the growth I've achieved thus far, especially considering that only a year ago I was pretty much bald. But really... doesn't shrinkage just drive you mad?


  1. it is slightly annoying but I don't mind as much when it shrinks into nice curls

    I've pretty much accepted that if I want it to look long I need to do a twist out.

  2. Funny you bring up shrinkage as I was in the mirror today trying to make my hair curl (the longer it gets, the less it will curl; my curls are all bent out of shape and won't participate in my curly efforts without some serious work). I tested one section and it shrunk up to eyebrow length although my hair is brastrap. It was a trip since I usually only shrink up to earlobe length. But yea, I will probably have to grow this stuff to the floor to get it to hang at my shoulders lol.

  3. I hate shrinkage lol. I can never tell if my hair has gotten longer or not. But I'm new to your blog and I say you're doing a great job :)Love it!

  4. @ Anonymous- thanx for checking out my blog! I'm glad you like it. It's important to create a place where we natural/kinky/curly chicks can support one another. :)
