______________________________________________________________________________I was curious to inquire, especially due to your experience, if you would kindly share any hair care tips for those of us who have yet to cross over to going natural and still maintain a relaxed style.
Even though I've been natural for 8 years now, I rocked a relaxer for the remainder of my life so I can definitely relate. I just LOVE talking hair PERIOD and am always glad to help a sista out and lend advice whenever I can. I actually had very long hair when I was relaxed as well, just never waist length. However I am POSITIVE that you can achieve the very same results in terms of growth, length, and health. No really, You can! Cross my heart! Here are some helpful tips that worked for me.
- 1.)NO double dipping! During touch-ups, ONLY relax roots! Don't re-relax already relaxed hair! That will give you thin, fried, see-thru ends faster than you can say "bald spot"! Not a good look!
- 2.)PLEASE see a trusted professional to apply your relaxer if you don't know what the heck you're doing.
- 3.)Keep it HEAT-FREE! Eliminate heating tools with the use of rollers, wraps, and wet sets. Most of my hair growth (w/ a relaxer) is attributed to this one thing alone.
- 4.)Oil ends religiously.
- 5.)Use similar precautions as you do with Natural Hair to promote growth and eliminate damage.
- 6.)Use a wide tooth comb.
- 7.)Sleep w/ a silk scarf.
- 8.)Hide your ends! It's the oldest, most fragile part of your hair.
- 9.)Wear protective styles that don't require constant or daily combing (was also EXTREMELY important in achieving my hair growth)
- 10.)Put hair up in hot summer months (to protect from heat and dry air).
- 11.)Keep hair off of your shoulders during coldest winter months (friction against sweaters and indoor heating causes dryness and breakage too) .
Great tips and I did none of these when I had a relaxer. But knowing what I know now regarding relaxed hair health, I still wouldn't relax again. I never got one that didn't leave me with scalp burns.
Very great tips. I need to get me a silk scarf.
Fabulous tips! Anyone who's relaxed who implements these strategies will undoubtedly enjoy healthier hair. Thanks for sharing.
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