Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Hair Tip-a-roo: Less Is More

The concept of "less is more" is key when trying to achieve optimal hair health and ample hair growth. The less you manipulate your hair, the less damage you'll do to it. The less damage you do... wallah!...the more growth you'll retain! It's really that simple! That means excessive combing, brushing, styling, touching, and playing in that hair is an absolute no-no!

I have been able to achieve "great lengths" because I manipulate my hair very little. I wear my hair in a "protective", "heat-free" style (like a bun or cornrows) and I keep it in that style for weeks before I change it up again. The only time I comb is when my hair is being washed (and is coated with tons of conditioner). My hair rarely, if ever, sees a comb again until the next wash day. Oh, and a brush? Don't even get me started... Let's just say, I haven't owned a brush since 2000 and cringe at the mere thought of one coming into contact with my hair. To me, it adds unnecessary damage (I'll make a post soon explaining why). My routine is extreme and you don't necessarily have to take it there. But very small changes can make a world of difference. You'll see!

Just think about it. Have you ever kept box braids in for a month or so and, to your surprise, saw tons of growth after they were removed? Or have you ever wondered why people are able to achieve such length with dread locks? It's the same concept. These styles keep combing, brushing, and heat application to a minimum, which means you can easily see tons of growth!

Just give it a try. Choose a hairstyle that allows you to give your hair a much needed rest. Then challenge yourself to keep it in that style as long as you possibly can (within reason, ofcourse). Now, don't wait till your hair forms one big, tangled dreadlock before you decide to comb it out! I've done that before and believe me, you'll be left begging for somebody, ANYBODY to end your life and put you out of your misery! In other words, it's no fun). With less handling, a little daily care, and alot of love, your hair will soon be rewarded with health and glorious growth!

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