To find out more about my natural hair history and haircare regimen, click on MY HAIR JOURNEY. Enjoy!

**CONTACT ME: lovelyladyluxe [at] gmail [dot] com

Friday, January 23, 2009

Shea Butter is the Business!

I absolutely ♥ shea! If there is one product I can't do without (besides kemi oyl), I would have to choose my beloved shea! I put it in my hair, I butter up my skin with it and ...sshhhhh, don't tell... (whispering) I even have a secret urge to eat it. I know, I'm doing a little bit too much. LOL! But it's true. My ♥ belongs to shea!

Now I have recently heard many complaints about the obnoxiously strong, nutty smell of shea butter. I, however, have no complaints because I use refined shea (which eliminates the scent and the thickness associated with unrefined, unprocessed shea butter). My shea goes on odorless, creamy, and smooth. To experience some of this shea nutter butter goodness, visit
From Nature With Love.


Laquita said...

Yep you said it - Shea butter is wonderful :o) I was fortunate enough to get my stepfather to bring some back from Ghana a couple of years ago and I savored it to the last scrape :o)

Anonymous said...

apparently refined shea has been bleached and stripped of some of the good stuff the unrefined stuff has (like healing properties for wrinkles, rashes etc) so if you are using it on your skin maybe you should try the unrefined stuff?

Lovely Lady Luxe said...

You know what, Kelly.. You're right, girl! I am highly aware that the unrefined is more beneficial choice. I just use the refined out of habit. It's just what I'm used to. My skin has been kinda parched lately so I might just take your suggestion and give the unrefined a try. ;)